The Finish Line

When all was said and done, I made it!  I can currently run a distance of 5K without thinking about it.

I have been running for five months now, and I can officially say "I am a runner!"

This week was the finish line for the C25K program for me, but I also started training for a 10K race.  I am going to keep going.  I have lost weight, gained confidence, and went shopping for a brand new wardrobe   What's not to love!  I am capable of doing this, and I proved it to myself and everyone else!

People have stopped asking me "Why are you doing this?" and started asking me "How did you do it?"

It's an amazing feeling, and I know that if I can do it, anyone can!

Get off the Couch and Do It!  Make the decision to do it for yourself!  Make your life better.  And if nothing else, think of all the new clothes you can go buy!

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