Getting Started With C25K

I knew that I had to find something that I could do physically, but also something that my brain would say "ok, I'll give this a shot" about.

I had lots of friends on FaceBook and Twitter that were doing something called "Couch-To-5K".  I liked the idea of starting with a couch potato, because that is exactly what I was (or more specifically, an old potato that is starting to sag and get soft...).  I thought, "why not, it's worth a shot."

I looked up information about the program, and found that there were many websites with information about the program, but I really got interested in the idea that the program, at least in many peoples program, involved an app on their smart phone.

I looked at many different apps on my iPhone, and decided on one.  There are many free apps that do exactly the same thing as the one that I used, but I did decide to get an app that had a small charge.  Why? Because I wanted an app that would record my information in a log on my phone.  I found that many of the free apps would go through the workout with you, but when you were done and closed the app, your information about that workout was gone. I wanted to be able to look back and see my progress!  The app that I used was one put out by and can be downloaded on from the site.

I started the C25K program.  The first day just about killed me.  Now remember I started the program in the middle of July.  It was hot yes, and I was completely out of shape on top of that.  These two things almost made me never come back to the program. But then I did.

I was able to finish my first day without having to stop and rest.  I was slow!  I looked like a hot mess!  But I made it, and that was the most important part.  I had done it!  And if I had been able to do it the first day, why not the second?

The program only does 3 days out of the week, so I even got days off between what later became known as "run days."

I stuck with it for the first week.  I almost couldn't walk because my body was in so much pain and distress from that weeks exercise.  But guess what, I still was doing it.  I was able to get out and follow the program three days a week.  And long story short, I made it to the end.

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