Don't Let The Program Run You Into The Ground!

The C25K program is 9 weeks long.  It took me roughly 20 weeks to finish it.  I am proud to say that I repeated many of the workouts.  I knew that if I moved on to the next day's workout without being comfortable with the previous day's workout I would never be successful.

I let me body tell me when it was time to move onto the next day.  When I was able to finish a days exercise while feeling like I could have gone longer, I knew it was time to move on!

Don't let yourself get stuck in a rut though!  It will be easy to get into the habit of repeating a day and feeling really comfortable with yourself and not want to move on.  To be successful you have to go at your own pace, but you also have to know when to push yourself!  You can do it, so don't hold yourself back!  You will surprise yourself!

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