Footwear..... It's The Kicker!

When I made the decision to start running, I also went out and bought a new pair of shoes.  I made a HUGE mistake.  I thought that I could get into the idea of "barefoot running" or minimalist running.  I purchased a pair of minimalist shoes, and they worked for me for about three weeks.  Starting week four, I started feeling some pain in both ankles.  I thought that it was just my body saying "hey, this is all new, and I'm not sure I like it!" but what it was really saying was "I am being injured, and this is going to get worse if you don't change!"

Unfortunately for me, I didn't know what my body was telling me.  I continued running with the pain, and it finally all came to a head at the end of week four.  I had injured myself so severely that I had constant pain while walking, and even while no pressure was even on my ankles.

This injury set me back a whole month!  That is four weeks that I couldn't run.  That was four weeks of constant pain.  That was four lost weeks, and all because I wasn't listening to what my body was saying!

When I was finally able to get back out and start walking for exercise (which is what I did for about a week, just walk) I went to a running store and had the experts help me choose a pair of running shoes that were going to be good for me!  I spent a lot of money on a pair of shoes, but, seeing as how they still feel amazing today, they must have been worth it!

THIS IS A MUST!  Go ask the experts!  They know, and you don't!  It will help in the long run!  Literally!  The "long run"!

I used the Runner's World shoe buying guid to help point me in the right direction so I would be informed when I went into the running store.

I finally decided on the Saucony Omni 11 and couldn't be happier with my decision!

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