New Year, New Resolutions!

So today is the first day of 2013.  When the new year rolled in this morning, it also set my mileage to zero.  It gives me a chance to set new goals as well as remember back to all of my accomplishments from 2012.

I know that I have to realize what a realistic goal is.  I am going to set several goals and resolutions for this year, but I know that they are all achievable!

#1 Run every day!

I'm not going to set a distance or time constraint on this, I am just going to hold myself accountable for running some everyday!

#2 Race!

I am not going to set a certain number of races that I will enter, but I am going to try and race as much as possible.  I will aslo register for races that push me to become better, and not just stay stagnant!

#3 Eat More, Lose More!

I am going to eat even more healthy fruits and vegetables this year!  I am going to hold myself more accountable as well, so that I will continue to loose the weight.


I know that there will be more goals than these, and they will all be posted when I come up with them, but these three are the main three for the year.  Most things can fall into these categories. 

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