Just Run With It.....

It is so hard to keep a resolution to run everyday when you are busy. I normally have a lot of free time that I can squeeze my running into, but I have been so busy the last two day!

I have moved into a new apartment. It is a lot of work unpacking all if my stuff. Mainly because I have way too much stuff. The last two days have been extremely difficult because I have worked on moving all day, and then I don't want to run. I made myself though. Yesterday u ran 1.48 miles, and today I ran .38 miles. It isn't much, but I am glad that I made myself get up and do it.

Something else that is extremely difficult that I am having to deal with is my lack of Internet at the new apartment. I am posting from my phone (thank goodness for the Blogger app). I can't wait to be back up and running off my computer!

I am completely moved into the new apartment though, and I work in the afternoon and evening tomorrow, so I am going to go for a good long run tomorrow morning around my new neighborhood.

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