Can I really eat this??

As a follow up to my last post about tracking calories, I think there are some flaws.

Today I went for a run. I logged the time and pace into my app and it then tells me how many extra calories I can eat to make up for what I used running.

Even though I have these "extra" calories, should I really use them on a 420 calorie cheese Danish from Starbucks?? My feeling is no, yet I already ate it as it tasted amazing!

The app doesn't take into consideration what I am eating. If I only ate healthy things great, but if I only had a few horrible foods, it would think I'm still doing well because I met my caloric intake goal.

Long story short, I'm still going to have to try hard to make right food choices, even when the bad ones can fit into my calorie goal!

Oh the qualms of a fat runner!!

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